Have you ever wondered what government jobs there were in your area? USAjobs is the place to look. It’s not well known, but there is at least one government job within driving distance of where you live.

In order to find the federal government jobs in your area there is one particular website that you need to become familiar with. That website is USAjobs. This is the one and only website that lists federal government job announcements.

Application to these jobs is done directly from the website. Once you create an account you can upload documents to be reused to help speed up the application process later.

You can search by city/state or even by zip code. You can also use more advanced search techniques to narrow down your job list.

By now you’ve found USAjobs and are looking for government jobs that interest you. There is a simple way to find all government jobs in your area, or you can use these advanced techniques to narrow down the list to just those jobs that meet all of your criteria.  Following these tips, you will be able to search for government jobs using very specific criteria in order to unearth the perfect job for you.

When searching for a specific position you have two options, by area, and by keyword. Keyword provides all jobs nationwide that include the keyword specified. Once your list containing all jobs with your keyword has materialized, you can filter results. You have nearly unlimited options to filter, but below are some favorites.

Filtering by series

Filtering by series is probably the most important option. This takes the entire list and limits it to those jobs in a specific series, or job title. That way you will only see jobs that meet the title you are looking for and also contain the keyword originally specified.

Filtering by pay/grade

The next best option is to further filter by pay. You can use either a salary range or a GS grade level. This means that now you will only be viewing those job titles that contain your original keyword and that fall within the specified pay range. An example of how this can be used is to look for keyword “virtual”, then filter by series 201, which is HR Management, then filter by GS-12 to show only HR Management positions, that are at the GS-12 grade level, and contain the keyword virtual.

Once you find the position you are interest in you’ll need to get your resume ready. The resume is the number one most important piece of your job application.

For assistance on navigating the entire hiring process from start to finish check out the book I have published.


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