Are you stuck somewhere in the federal hiring process?

There are many stages in the federal government hiring process, and it’s not uncommon for applicants to get stuck in one of them. Below is a breakdown of the different steps in the process with links to resources that can help you clear the hurdle.  Be sure to check into this page regularly as the resource list grows.

Job Announcement/Application

The first step of any application is searching for the announcement that is right for you.  The following resources will help you with finding and understanding job announcements.

Resume Tailoring

The most important piece of any application is the resume.  If you are having trouble being found qualified, not being referred, or not getting interviews, it could all mean your resume needs to be updated.  Your resume must be tailored to each job you apply for in order to maximize your chances of success.


Being referred just simply means you were found qualified and sent on a list (certificate) to the hiring manager for review and possible interview.  If you are not being referred you’ll want to take a look at your resume.  


The interview is the make or break area of the process.  The interview means you were found eligible and had enough experience in your resume for the hiring manager to be interested in interviewing you.  This process catches many people off guard due to the types of questions asked.  Since it can be difficult to get to this stage you will want to be as prepared as possible when scheduled.

Post Tentative Offer

If you’ve made it to the tentative offer you deserve a huge congratulations!  This is a huge milestone but the process doesn’t end there.  One thing to remember, once you receive the tentative offer there onboarding/pre-employment process can take forever.  Unless HR sends you a notice that your offer has been rescinded you are still working towards your start date.  HR will walk you through the entire process even if it feels like they’ve forgotten you sometimes.

Tentative Offer Rescinded

You’ve made it to the tentative offer and started through the onboarding/pre-employment process, but now you’ve received a notice that your TJO is being rescinded.  This is a terrible place to be and there aren’t many resources to guide you to the answers you need. 


Still have Questions? We can Talk!

If you’ve browsed through the resources above and still have questions I’m available to assist. Use the button to start a consultation where we can go over your specific needs.